
Crown or coronal chakra, the color of this chakra is purple. It is located at the top of the skull and corresponds to the ability to bring ideas from the abstract world into concrete form. It is consciousness.
Amethyst – Opal

Frontal chakra or the Third eye: the color of this chakra is indigo. It is located on the brow bone and rests slightly above and between the eyebrows. It is related to the vision of reality, intuition, the ability to discriminate and to choose one's options. It is forgiveness.
Lapis lazuli – Sodalite

throat chakra: the color of this chakra is blue. It is related to the “give-receive” cycle and communication with others. It is our deep personality. The more we are fulfilled, the more this chakra radiates.
Opal – Angelite – Aquamarine

heart chakra. The color of this chakra is green. It is located under the sternum, above the heart. It is related to the acceptance of oneself, of others and of situations. It represents effortless service, generosity, romance and love. It is courage and security. Rose quartz is also linked to this chakra.
Garnet – Pink Quartz – Malachite – Green Jade – Opal – Amazonite – Aventurine

solar plexus chakra: the color of this chakra is yellow. It is located on the solar plexus. It influences metabolism and vital energy, and regulates the flow of psychological and emotional energy. It is related to the capacity to complete, to accomplish. It is peace and contentment.
Tiger eye – Citrine

sacral chakra (also called sexual chakra): the color of this chakra is orange. It is located 5 to 10 cm below the navel. It influences the adrenal glands. It is related to the creative faculties, inspiration. If it is weak, it results in jealousy, a certain isolation.
Carnelian – Moonstone

root chakra: the color of this chakra is red. It is located at the base of the spine. It represents stabilizing, grounding energy. It is self-confidence and wisdom. If it is weak, it results in anxiety.
Red jasper – Red agate - Black onyx agate – Hematite – Obsidian